English Easy Conversation & More


We talk about everyday topics, read interesting texts, play games, reenact real situations (airport, hotel, restaurant etc.), practice and enjoy grammar, do listening comprehensions, improve our vocabulary and learn more about English speaking people and countries.
Don´t be afraid! It´s not about perfectionism, it´s more about fun and company. So, join our cheerful group and motivate your grey matter in a relaxed atmosphere.
There is no course book as the content is constantly changing and materials will be provided by the teacher.


Anja Schmid

Veranstaltungsnr. 2-27814
Datum fortlaufender Kurs in 10er Blöcken, jeweils mittwochs 16.30-18.00 Uhr
Ort MGH/Elternschule Amberg e.V., Amselweg 7A, 92224 Amberg
Gebühr 73 € (für 10 Einheiten)
Hinweis: Vorkenntnisse wären wünschenswert; max. 8 TN
Veranstalter MGH/Elternschule Amberg mit KEB
Anmeldung per mail an: info@mgh-amberg.de; Tel. 09621/86272

Link zu Google Maps

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